An incurable Disease???
In the Dictionary an addiction is defined as, "devoting or giving ones-self up to a practice, habit or pursuit".
Much like any other addiction, sexual addiction usually begins as a result of some form of action experienced by the individual
in their formative years. However, because of the very nature of the addiction, it must be treated differently because it
is spawned out of many environmental behavioral patterns. In the following paragraphs you will see that the progression of
sexual addiction is debilitating and debasing in nature and that it leads to untold forms of debauchery.
Sexual addiction
can embrace a multitude of practices. Seldom is an addict troubled with just one debasing sexual behavior. It will more than
likely be with many. Most sexual addicts would agree that their progress into the unwholesome use of sex has been progressive
in nature. It may have started with an addiction to masturbation, pornography (either in printed or electronic form), or an
unhealthy relationship, however over the years, the addiction has progressed to increasingly risky and traumatizing behaviors.
basic nature of all addiction is the addicts' experience of a deep sense of powerlessness over the compulsivity, resulting
in their lives becoming ungovernable. The addict is out of control and experiences immense shame, pain and self-loathing.
The addict may wish to cease his or her compulsive actions, yet repeatedly fails to do so. The complete unmanageability of
an addict's life can be seen in the aftereffects they suffer: losing relationships, difficulties with work, arrests, financial
troubles, a loss of interest in things not sexual, low self-esteem and despair. When "acting out" happens, there is usually
a feeling of despair or confusion and hopelessness, followed by denial of the problem.
Preoccupation in sexual stimulation
takes up a tremendous amount of energy (both physical and emotional). As this increases for the sexual addict, a pattern of
sensual ritualistic behavior takes form, usually leading to "acting out". For some it is flirtation, browsing the web for
pornographic material, cruising the parks or frequenting other known haunts of those who are sexually addicted, (I.e.; porn
shops or adult video and book stores) Sexual addicts will continue to follow this pattern until they go through some type
of trauma situation. This then may cause them to truly look at what problems their addiction has caused to self and others.
They will then usually begin to seek help. This help can come from many angles but I have personally found that the best and
surest way is to call on the Lord for deliverance from this degrading sin. In the following pages of this site, you will find
an experiential program that I personally have designed and am using in order to keep myself free from my past addictive behavior.
I have gained my insight on this matter from the many books that I have read on the subject. Some of these I would
recommend, while others I would not. The greatest source of information and comfort to someone in my situation however, has
been meditating on the Word of God. It has shown me the sinful results of an addictive behavior, but it has also shown me
the way out of that wilderness. If I were only allowed to recommend one book, it would definitely be the Bible.