On this page, I will give you a chance to express your
feelings. All I ask is that you do not use explitive wording that would offend other readers.
The following prose was written by my youngest daughter.
for this writing came from reading Nehemiah 3-6 By K.R. S. May/June 1994
Hurt can cause us to erect an emotional
wall And we continue to build it to prevent our own fall We shut people out of our life, not to reject, But because
it's ourselves we want to protect.
To examine the root of our emotional wall, We need to expose ourselves to God
and expose our all. By looking at all of the walls building blocks, The key to our past it unlocks.
We must
uproot the foundation that has been unhealthy And rebuild a relationship that can make us emotionally wealthy. A relationship
that is worth keeping is one that is real; Made by being open and honest with how you feel.
Not a relationship
that will tarnish and rust, But one that is built on truth and trust. As we tear down our wall, what we may find sad, Is
that not every block used in its construction was bad.
Instead all of these blocks being thrown into a heaping, Save
the ones that are worth their keeping. It's in this learning of how to tear down walls that bind; That we are freed
to leave our past behind.
God wants us to be released from our hurt and pain, And a new life in Him, He wants us
to gain. God never meant for us to be alone, or feel isolated or deserted, But gives us His Holy Spirit, to dwell in
us, His power to be exerted.
It is the enemy who has come to kill, steal and destroy, But God has given us spiritual
weapons to use, to press on, leading us to victory and joy. If from the pains of our past; we're going to be released and
healed Then it's today we have to discern what is worth keeping and rebuild
Using the good wholesome, strong blocks
of fond memory, We can instead of building walls, set a healthy boundary. Knowing what once was destroyed, even by
death, God can resolve. Comprehension comes then, that through new life and trusting in Him, we can all survive.