Godly Diamond
Twelve Steps
My Poetry
Others Poetry
What is the cost of your actions?
Put on your Godly Armour
Eph. 6:10-18
Now that you have repented of your crime and made a resolve to live a Christ filled life you must deal with a new set of issues. They are, re-entering society, the neighborhood, the family structure, after-care programs, selection of sponsors, and making restitution for your crimes.

You must learn and become willing to deal with your own sexuality in a responsible manner, looking upon it as God does. Hebrews 13:4 states; "Marriage is honorable and the bed undefiled, but whoremongers and adulterers God will judge." This translates that we are to have one spouse with whom to fulfill our sexual drives for the purpose of enjoyment and procreation. We do not go into someone else's bedroom and try to exploit our sexual prowess over them. This is adultery and/or sexual assault, which are condemned in the above passage of scripture as well as many others.

You must continue seeking self-improvement through study of books and other materials offered for the purpose of showing our true nature. There are many fine publications that will open to those, who are diligent, a treasure of information on the subject of sexual deviancy.

Seek Godly methods to right the wrongs that have been done. It is impossible to relate all of the responses which could be made here, but to mention just a few; re-reimburse victims for any medical and psychological treatment that they have received because of your traumatic invasion of their person. One of the most important is to show through your actions that you are truly sorry for your addictive acts toward them.

It is your responsibility to contribute support to programs, such as this, which are designed to counter the sexual assault of adults, adolescents and children alike. You also have the responsibility to society to show them that there is the chance for recovery from sexually deviant compulsions

Always remember that in Christ there is hope for the future and healing of the past. Remember, you are forgiven and promised a new life in Christ, receiving guidance from the Holy Spirit in what should be done to remain free of sexual sins.

What is my position in Christ?
II Corinthians 5:17

Matthew 5:23

There are 6 passages of scripture dealing with restitution. They are found in Exodus 22:3,5,6,12; Job 18:20,21 and Acts 3:21. They all state that if you have done something wrong, that you must repay. If you are truly repentant of your past sexually deviant behavior, you will want to make restitution to all those who have been injured by your past actions.

As you meditate on these words, allow the light of God's word to convict you to take the proper steps to right the wrongs you have done.
One way to show your sincirity is to make amends for
the problems you have caused in the lives of others