Godly Diamond
Twelve Steps
My Poetry
Others Poetry
Making up, God's way
Put on your Godly Armour
Eph. 6: 10-18
Through repentance and acceptance of the blood bought grace that Christ purchased for us on Calvary's cross you are now in the position to work toward reconciliation with those who have been made enemies, through your addictive behavior .In essence each one as a repentant sex offender must have the ultimate desire to find peace with God and those who have been injured by your actions.

The idea behind the word reconciliation is the finding of a middle course of action in order to bring about a peaceful reunion with those who have been injured and the bringing together of two parties who have been estranged. It also means that those who were enemies have once more become friends. When you have been reconciled to God through repentance there is then a responsibility to initiate the reconciliation process with those who have been traumatized.

Is it not feasible then to assume, if God was willing to reconcile you to Himself, He would also want you to seek reconciliation with those to whom you have brought so much pain.

The reunion must however, be accepted on the terms and point in time of the one offended. It is the responsibility of the person who perpetrated the offense to take the first step toward reconciliation, except when doing so would cause added emotional trauma and disquieting.

In each case in the Old Testament, sacrificing a spotless lamb as a burnt offering for Gods people, the Children of Israel performed the ministry of reconciliation. In the New Testament Paul says that God has reconciled us to Himself by Jesus Christ, and has given us the ministry of reconciliation I Corinthians 5:18

Romans 5:10, 11, says, "When we were enemies, we were reconciled to God by the death of His Son: now that we have been reconciled we can count on being saved by Christ's life. Not only because we have been reconciled but because we are now filled with the joyful trust in God, through our Lord Jesus Christ through whom we have already gained our reconciliation."

Matthew 5:24, 25 says, "Be reconciled to your brother before you come to offer your gifts to God and to agree with your adversary quickly."

Your worth and significance must not be dependent on what others think. Whether you are accepted by them or not is irrelevant, as long as there is the assurance that Christ's sacrifice brought you into that right relationship with God. As that assurance grows, there must be willingness to humble yourself before God and those who have been pained, thereby gaining self respect and the acceptance of a community who now looks upon you as the lowest form of derelict. You must learn to make concessions in every area of your life, thereby receiving the privilege of finding the middle of the road in your approach to making amends.

Why is it necessary to humble myself before God?
James 4:6

Peter 5:6

It is important to note that the person(s) you molested are not the only victims injured. There are also those who have had to suffer the pain of your addictive behavior because of their relationship with you. There are also those who have befriended you only to find out about your deviancy and have had their lives decimated as a result. It is therefore needful to live an exemplary life before them. Then they can see that God truly has the power to change even the vilest of creatures into someone beautiful. There are also those family members and friends, who have purposed in their hearts to see you through the terrible ordeal in which you find yourself. They continue to give all the assistance they are able to in order to initiate healing and recovery from your past. In turn they have offered hope that one day you might be able to face yourself and others, knowing that you have done what you feel God wanted you to do in the reconciliation process.

Why is it important that I seek reconciliation with those I offended, directly or by association?

What does the New Testament say in regard to reconciliation?
Matthew 5:24

Romans 5:1

II Corinthians. 5:18

II Corinthians 5:2

Divine reconciliation requires the blood of a pure lamb.
Thank God that He has made all of this possible through Jesus Christ,
our substutionary Lamb.